We have changed our working week from mixed shift Monday - Friday anywhere from 8am to 6:30pm ,which was a nightmare for getting yourself in a healthy routine, to working 6am-3:30pm meaning we have to get up at 4:30 in the morning. Yep we have been pretty tired grumpy people to say the least . Well at least i have been i am not a morning person.
The first few week we where having coffee fuelled morning which resulted in later nights and then coffee fuelled mornings again and late nights , you see where i am going with this a constant monotonous circle.
We have both been trying to find ways to get to sleep early so we are fresh in the mornings.
We have tried a number of things but the one thing that we found works best for us is self help apps. Andrew Johnson's self help apps to be precise.
He has a massive range of all kind of app to cater for your needs from deep sleep and relaxation to weight loss and quit smoking, he has over 30 different kind of self help apps.
We have purchases about 4 which we alternate from time to time, the apps where £1.99 each which i think is a good price for peace of mind.
We have:

- Relax with Andrew Johnson
- Success's with Andrew Johnson
- Deep sleep with Andrew Johnson
- Positivity with Andrew Johnson
- You can choose to have a short or long introduction
- How many times the main section is played
- At the end of the programme if you want to be awake, asleep or have a delayed wake. As you can see mine is selected sleep.
- The length of the programme.
The apps are really well put together with gentle music playing in the back ground, its almost spa like.
Don't believe me check them out for yourself he has a free app for you to try out.
Check Andrews apps out on the app store for Ipad/Iphone/Ipods, on the android market or on the website http://www.withandrewjohnson.com/
Its a great to listen to on your way to work on the bus or on your break or like us at night in bed.
Do you have problems sleeping? What works best for you?
Much Love,
I'm on my 3rd night of this now! I've had the best night sleep ever the past 2 nights, don't know if its all in my head or its actually working... either way I'm happy to be having a full nights sleep